Completion of RSCH Ambulatory Emergency Care Unit Extension and Winter Measures

As part of the Winter Resilience Programme, the Ambulatory Emergency Care Extension (AEC) was built to provide a drop-in unit for ambulatory emergency referral cases to the Royal Surrey County Hospital. Works included the internal reconfiguration of the existing emergency assessment unit to accommodate 10no trolley and chair bays, 23 person waiting room and a new reception and triage (rapid assessment unit), MDT Room, a 6-bed bay, and Consulting / Isolation Bed Room, Staff base, clean and dirty utility rooms. In order to free up space for AEC, we also carried out works to relocate the Relative’s Lounge for bereavement support to new accommodation within the hospital. The intervention produced an infill block that drew references from other buildings in the hospital complex with white render walls and 3D vertical lettering stating ‘AEC’, with the aim of continuing this unifying theme.
Other projects in the Winter Resilience portfolio consisted of the formation of a 6-bay discharge lounge from the existing staff canteen courtyard, and the refurbishment of the existing teenage cancer ward. Works were completed in Summer 2019.