Salesian College Classroom Extensions

Drake and Kannemeyer LLP are excited to be working once again with Salesian College on their latest project to extend classrooms at their Farnborough site.
After the successful completion of a purpose built Music School in 2010 for Salesian College in Farnborough, Drake & Kannemeyer are delighted to be appointed as Designer and Lead Consultant for the extension and remodelling of the college main hall entrance with 5 additional classrooms, offices and WC provision. D&K assembled the same team of sub consultants (Hockley & Dawson and McCarty Bainbridge) Project value £1.3M.
Key design principles are:
- Applicable renewable technologies which can be adopted
- Investigation into adoption of rainwater harvesting and/or use of grey water
- Building plan form and three-dimensional shape designed to reduce heat loss.
- Reduce artificial lighting, heating, cooling and ventilation loads, whilst avoiding glare and overheating - sun pipes to be fitted to all 1st floor.
- Windows and roof lights positioned and sized to make best use of daylight whilst minimising unwanted solar gains.
- High levels of fabric insulation to be specified.
- ‘Green’ materials to be properly evaluated and selected. The choice of building materials have been selected through the 'BRE Responsibly Sourced Construction Products' database where possible.
- Materials which are robust and durable in use.
- Water conservation measures in mechanical fittings.
- Provision of Building Bulletin 101 ventilation and cooling reviews to ascertain if natural or mixed method ventilation will be practicable
The new extension has been designed to a high specification incorporating PV panels and high levels of insulation with large north facing windows. Whilst the ground floor steel frame is being assembled and masonry walls are being built, the entire 1st floor is being fabricated off-site using the Kingspan TEK SIPS system. The project is due for completion in February 2017 following a fast track 27-week programme whilst enabling the College to remain in full operation.